
Sample Library


The Sample Library is an ongoing study on wool and its possbilities:

1. Knit/Weave samples merged in felt, using hand washed/carded/spun wool.
(Comfort in the Heard process)

2. Intasia & Colourwork knits - wool & cotton.

3. Cabling using hand washed/carded/spun wool.
(Landscape Rug)

4. Hand knitted Tartan Intarsia pattern
(Tartan Jumper)

5.Felting using hand washed/carded/spun wool.
(Comfort in the Heard process)

6. Knitting textures & tension samples, using hand washed/carded/spun wool.
(Comfort in the Heard process)

7. Weaving textures & tension samples using hand washed/carded/spun wool.
(Comfort in the Heard process)

more samples Puffer Chair and Landscape Rug